Does your relationship feel not the same and you find yourselves drifting apart?

Do you feel misunderstood by your partner and wish you could get through to them?

Are you stuck in the same arguments and want to build solutions and connection?

Maybe you have had yet another one of those same arguments, where you both end up feeling defeated and pull away from each other in silence. You know how the story goes, where one of you feels upset and voices your concerns, only to be met with more anger and frustration. You go round and round with one another, arguing until one of you leaves the fight, overwhelmed by frustration and hurt. There is never a solution, just “sweep it under the rug” and keep going through the motions of each day, with the hurt piling up to the point of losing trust in your relationship.

Perhaps it has been so long since you felt like “us” that getting back on the same team feels impossible. You remember a time when you felt so close and happy to have found your person, yet now everything feels like a hassle and hard work just to communicate with each other. You may be feeling alone in your relationship, like you don’t truly know one another anymore, and aren’t sure you have what it takes to make this work.

Perhaps intimacy— both emotional and sexual— are things of the past in your relationship. You feel lost and disconnected from each other, and are losing faith that your partner really cares about you and wants to make you their priority. You both have unmet needs, and asking for what you want in the relationship only leads to more arguments and distancing.


Imagine a life where you can feel understood by your partner and secure in your love for each other.

A love where you can show up as 100% yourself and feel accepted and supported. A life where you communicate effectively and create solutions together. Hurt and pain in your relationship is a thing of the past. Together you can reclaim the joy and excitement in your relationship to make your dreams come true.


That life is waiting for you.

Both of you have the same goal to get back to being on the same “team” and enjoying your lives together.  Yet the fights, arguing, and disconnect leave you feeling drained and losing hope.

I connect with each partner to understand your perspective, drives, and longing for connection.  Building effective communication skills will help you to solve problems, and create a path of mutual understanding to get your relationship needs met.

I have formal training from the Gottman Institute, a research based approach to helping relationships. I have completed the Gottman Level 1 training, “Bridging the Couples Chasm”, and the Seven Principles Leader Training.

In addition, I integrate theory and interventions from Emotion Focused Therapy by Dr. Sue Johnson. With these combined approaches, I am able to help couples learn evidenced based communication and conflict skills to strengthen the deep connections they have for one another.

I believe we are hardwired to connect and long for romantic relationships. My passion to become a couples counselor was fueled by my belief that love is what gives life meaning and purpose.  

My approach is supportive, direct and educational. I enjoy helping couples break through old patterns and rekindle their love and commitment. 

Couples find that conflict resolution and building connection helps them fall in love all over again and get butterflies to date each other again. 

Reach out today if you are both ready to stop fighting and start healing.